الأبحاث المنشورة

الأبحاث المنشورة :


1-    Salem Abood Hameed ,Thermal and molecular spectroscopic studies of N- methyl  dipyridinium iodide  complexes with some electron acceptors .

     Oriental Journal of Chemistry , volume 20(2) 269-274 (2004)


2-    Salem A. Hameed ,  Electronic  structure of some chalcone derivatives.

I. Ground state geometric parameters and charge density distributions, AM1-MO treatment.

JKAU: Sci, vol. 18, pp : 13-25(2006 A.D ./ 1427A.H.)


3-    Salem Abood Hameed ,Electronic structure of some chalcone             derivatives.

II. Electronic absorption spectra . INDO / S-CI.

Umm Al-Qura Univ.J.Sci.Med.Eng. Vol.18,No.1, pp.41-54 (2006).


4- Salem A. Hameed , Characterization and thermal                            decomposition of Indolylidene  aniline azo-dyes derivatives.

     Jordan Journal of Chemistry volume2 No.2,pp.133-144       (2007).


5- Salem A. Hameed , Ab-initio Calculations of  the Dissociation   Energy and Periodic  Properties of the Heavy P-block Dimers.

      JKAU: Sci, vol.20, No.2, April 2008. ( in press).




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1/10/2009 12:35:29 PM